Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Truth Is In The Perspective

Staying within the guidelines of a current lifetime requires you to constantly re-evaluate the state in which you find yourself. If you are desirous to understand the purpose, there is a method which assists you in identifying the message. Stand within an inner circle of inner beings or inner masters and feel what each is offering you on a vibratory level.

You can identify the level by how you feel. The better you feel the higher the frequency. With the palm of your hand upward, extend it toward one of these inner beings. Now request with your heart to know the messages and lessons to be learned in your space time. Allow the energy to permeate your entire body as you feel the messages enter your body and subconscious.

If you want to know more from this particular master or being, then request additional information via your heart center or feeling center. Ask with the feeling. When it is perceived by the master, it will be readily acknowledged and returned to you with an understanding. When you are satisfied with the conclusion of this being, go onto the next one and repeat the process. If you feel it necessary to reposition yourself in front of one previously questioned, do so.

Trust yourself, follow your feelings and continue the process until you feel a satisfactory conclusion has been reached. This is a very powerful method for receiving explanations for predicaments you create from human behavior. It creates a link between your human experience and the higher intent or spiritual lesson involved. If you conclude it has been worthwhile and you have learned what you need to know, you will receive a feeling of finality or closure on the matter. Many times this only precedes the next step involved in the same letting go of an attitude or belief that has held one attached to the human experience.

The fear that is held in the human vehicle prevents much spiritual evolution and as it is released, spirit is allowed to take control and lead the human into
a more peaceful existence while maintaining a spiritual perspective. This type of experience can only be made through the human instrument. It is one of living in the human form, complete with its incredible range of emotions and keeping a spiritual vigil on every thought and action. It is an amazing experience and can be immensely fulfilling once the love for the self, that divine part of the self, that eternal force within one is allowed to express through this marvelous machine we call the human body.

What a grand experience it is to glimpse the depths of negativity and in the same lifetime acknowledge the spirit within every act and every word. In Truth there is neither good nor bad if one lives in this world of duality but not of it. To rise above the judgment is to truly live above duality.

It is more than just living; it is accepting the god or supreme force in all that is. It is accepting that everything that happens has a reason and a purpose to serve us, that there is love in all that we experience. In times of adversity and pain, there is love so great from the creator, one is allowed the experience of growth and given the freedom to struggle through to an enlightened awareness of the reasons.

Within you lies a great energy of intense gratitude for the creator. The creator provides the elements for growth, the human individual makes the choices for experience and in the final chapter, they merge to become whole. This wholeness cannot be experienced fully unless the full range has integrated into the experience. Until the bowels of hell can be recognized as the love of the creator, can one experience Truth. To know that this is indeed god allowing us the full range of human experience only to learn it is all god.

To have experienced the entire spectrum is to become whole. To be grateful for the experience is to win Grace.

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