Friday, October 28, 2011

Dreams Can Come True NOW

Much information is on the horizon for those with the ears to hear. A transformation is taking place and your place in it will become apparent in proper timing. Understand we do encourage each of you to allow the energies to guide your decisions and actions. We are in readiness to serve your elevation in consciousness. It is a time of joy and celebration but with it comes many appearing adversities. Know that this is only a step moving forward to your intended goals.

As you awaken each day, be aware it is a new day and nothing in your past affects your consciousness unless you allow it. It is a new dawning. Each day is new. There is no karma unless you cling to that belief. Be clear in your intentions and know you have the power to attain what your hearts desire.

Now moving along, we wish to espouse the levels of intention. By this we mean there is an ongoing circle of events that will serve to awaken those who want answers. These will come unexpectedly and shock many of you. These are announcements necessary to cleanse the old way of thinking that has become the norm on Earth. At this time there are many who wish their lives to change but the resistance and old beliefs are holding them back. Dear ones, you need only to open yourself and allow in what is waiting for you to accept. It is a time of abundance and joy. See yourselves where you wish to be and know the energies of this time are supporting every dream. Dream and dream big for it is all possible now.

As for your intended roles, simply know you are being guided. Allow yourselves joyful activities which serve to maintain the higher frequencies and attract more as a result. Everything you do in a day, every thought you have, serves a purpose. It is your homework to be aware of this and determine what they mean to you in your lives.

Everything happens for a reason. This also applies to your dream state as there is no difference between the wake and the dream. Each reflects the other and much can be gleaned from paying attention to both and notice how they intertwine.

A staff of organizers is currently working on a new form of communication that will astound those who presently cannot hear with their physical ears. It is new technology and will become available for everyone. Much is occurring in the field of technology and medicine as well. Your new bodies require a very different form of support so you will see changes in the type of food and supplements to support this change.

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