Monday, June 4, 2012


You speak as if we are separate from you.  Know that we are not.  It is about the world in which we occupy and the many lives we touch.  It is a moment in time that we share and an experience into the future that we venture.  It is about the moments in time that we construct in order to do our work and to tread the path we have chosen.  It is about the moments we occupy on the inner dimensional spaces of our existence and wonder as to the magnitude of it all.  In this world of fantasy and realization, we suggest to you the reader that you venture with us through this portal in time to learn of our existence and the many choices we make moment to moment.

Each one is a difficult and an easy choice at the same time for it continues to expand our knowledge and stretch our trust.  Each moment makes us more of what we already are.  Imagine a giant mound of molding material and all the possibilities that can be molded from it on a whim, on a serious thought, on a dream.  It is all there for you to make, shift, create, ignore.  Whatever you make up is already there for you to move through onto a page of another step.  Each and every step you take is either deliberate consciously or not, but it occurs.  Know that you are the creator God of your life in all dimensions of existence. 

You have an invisible support team known as YOU.  This team is composed of all the realities in which you dwell at all times simultaneously.  We are the fabric of your existence in entirety. We are coming together into your conscious awareness to display the awesome power and magnitude that comprises YOU.  We affect your every thought.  We motivate your every action.  We can express so much more when you become conscious of us.  Together, we are the army of your life.  We are the team that supports you.  We are your past, your present, and your future.  We are becoming a conscious ONE.  When each individual upon the planet experiences their ONENESS within themselves, the collective team becomes the army of the new age. 

We are your future, presently compiling itself into your whole experience.  We are your dreams, your hopes, and your wishes.  We are your fears, your doubts and your anger.  We are the whole of you in all its myriad forms.  Each has an experience that serves you in the vast realm of knowledge and wisdom.  We are the ones to which you seek guidance.  We are the other parts of you that are coming together now.  Listen for us in your dreams.  Request our presence in your imagination.  The openness with which you accept us will assist you through this transition.  The coming together of all the dimensions into a clarity of the present, the now, is why you are facing the doubts, the resistance, the excitement. 

The inner feelings of excitement and urgency are the all of you cheering you on into awareness of our existence.  You will begin to display some inner feelings of intuition, and psychic abilities that before now seemed foreign, if not impossible, for you.  It will become commonplace.  You will know what others are thinking.  You will begin to undergo some transformations in your thinking processes.  You will realize you are so much more than a mere physical human existing in survival mode just to have some happiness and pleasure at the end of your days.  

You will know true joy and inner peace.  It is within your grasp.  All you need do is open your mind and your heart and let us in.  Acknowledge our possibility within the potential of your experience.  You will know what it feels like to be in love with life in all its dimensions and realities.  You will begin to appreciate yourself in all your strengths and all your frailties.  You will become grateful for all the parts of you that were judged bad.  You will meet the many yous that were necessary to bring you to where you stand.  We gave you strength.  We gave you courage.  We are ready to give you congratulations for completing the shift into your total awareness.  We await.  We are anxious.

Delve into your heart thoughts.  Create from the love of yourself and the love of your activities.  You are beginning to show signs of relief at the mere mention of our words to you.  You are moving into a sigh of battles end.  We commend you for your bravery.  It has been a long road.  Your journey from here takes you to a new level of understanding.  In this time frame of your future, you will remember who you are, why you are here and where you are going.  It is but a heartbeat away.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A New Dawn, A New Day

You are standing at the precipice of a new beginning, a new earth.  It is monumental and your action in the scheme of this epic event is to stay within your centers and know you are going in the right direction.  Your path will be intermingled with surprise and events that will awaken your inner consciousness to what is occurring around this wonderful Terra.  Now is the opening of awareness for those who came to divide their attention between the earthly physical and the spiritual realms.  They are merging into a glorious one of which you are a part.  It is the beginning of a cycle that will open the hearts of all remaining on this timeline of experience.  You are all intertwined and your hearts are bursting with the love of God.

The tasks at hand are of joy and peace.  It is a beautiful time and all the colors of the rainbow belong to those who allow love to prevail in their every day lives.  It is the only thing that matters. No one will be left out during the transition phases of this cycle.  It is not by accident that you are here; it was your intention.

Now as you stand overlooking the landscape, what do you see?  Are there many life forms that are new to you?  Are you seeing colors that you've never seen before now?  Does the sun seem brighter and the moon closer?  It is by no accident your perspectives are changing.  Be aware of these changes.  As you do you will begin to notice more and more as the days progress.  It is of value that you spend time alone and within on a regular basis for in those moments you will feel the connection with the whole.  It is a disciplined activity for which you will benefit immensely.

As the end times come to a close you will feel the relief of the burdens taken on so long ago.  You will begin to feel the freedom you have longed for so many lifetimes.  It is a new dawning, a new day.  Yours is the vastness of all that is.  It is you.  Can you feel it?  Carry on with confidence that you are experiencing your life as it was designed by you.  You knew the day would come when you would experience this freedom while living in a physical form.  It is what you came to know and why you are here.  You will spread your energies among those you see and it will be felt as all the connections are made.  These connections spread through the planet as one by one they hook into the wholeness of the one.  It is a blending of all souls and love prevails. 

Love is light and the darkness fades from those who see it and know it.  It is all there is.  Your bodies are light and soul is eternal.  Know this and know you carry within your heart the key to all that is.  The keys are in your grasp and you can accomplish anything you desire.  The power is yours as part of the oneness.  You are the power and the power is you.

Daily messages will be coming through and you will know upon which ones to act.  Every step of your existence has led you to this moment in time.  Time is what you experienced and now no time will become your truth.  Time is an illusion and the events that lead step by step in that realm no longer exist in that manner.  It is as though each step has become the same step and all blends into a oneness that doesn’t move.  It just is.  It is all there is.  You can see and do everything in one moment.  No time separates each step or each experience.  Can you see what we are conveying to you?  There is no time.  There is no space.  There is no separation.  There is only the love that is the oneness of the creator in you all.  It is all there is.  Feel within your heart the truth of which we are speaking.  It is given in love.  It is who you are.  It is what all life is.

Truth is what you perceive it to be.  But love is what you feel it to be.  It is more than emotion you experience, but a wholeness that encompasses your being and your entire existence.  It is what you can only experience through your heart.  Feel for this truth.  It is who you are.  It is limitless.  It is knowledge.  It is love.  It is hate.  It just is.  It is one whole existence with no dichotomy, no duality.  All is one.  All parts of the same wholeness. 

As you step into this new awareness the unveiling of the secrets that have been kept from the masses will become available to those who are ready, to those who have prepared within.  It is an awakening.  It is just the beginning dear ones for you will open to a whole new way of life.  It is an expansion of consciousness.  It is magnificence.

We come to advise you to simply be open and know who you are.  Nothing more can be said at this time.  Simply grasp the immense magnificence of YOU.