Thursday, April 29, 2010

How All Life Changes From Within YOU!

There is coming your way a vast storehouse of information which can be used in a helpful manner. It begins and ends with each of you in that it is an expression of the divine within yourselves. When two objects of interest come together there is a mutual acceptance of experience. It is this attraction to which we refer. It is the beginning of the next step in your journeys. It is what we choose to call synchronicity.

When you step into the life cycle you presently find yourselves, you choose a direction. This direction is being guided by infinite wisdom and love. It is a stage of development that comes to you in a progression or order. In this linear reality you choose to accept experience in a linear order although that is totally not true from our perspective. You see, everything is occurring at the same time and the wonder you see in the moment can be felt in all moments of your existence, past present and even your future.

You are on the brink of discovering who you really are in your power and your own wisdom. You are part of the whole and not separate from the creator. You have total understanding which can be accessed simply by allowing it.

When you observe negative thoughts, you are only judging those thoughts to be unacceptable and then attempt to release them from your experience. If one can rise above the judgment of them being negative and accept they are just another side of the coin of "One", then you can allow them through your consciousness without harm. It is only in the judging of the thought that creates the dam or backup of energy which you feel inappropriate.

From our perspective there is no right or wrong and no right or wrong thought. They are only that, thoughts. When neutralized by love and acceptance they cannot be manifested. Your adherence to this statement will serve as proof in your own reality.

Sounds or vibrations create feelings within the human instrument. They resonate or disturb but all come from the same source, the creator within you. Allowing these vibrations to penetrate your psyche will serve to provide understanding when viewing from a non-judgmental perspective. Simply allow your bodies to feel how they react to the vibration and make choices as to the most harmonious you choose to be influenced by. What is true for one will be disturbing to another. In this physical experience choose only to find that which is harmonious to you and judge not what others desire.

Now, let’s move onto another subject for there is much dissension in the field of energy. It is an extensively talked about phenomenon these days. It is discussed in the areas of healing as well as destruction. Again, we reiterate, the effect is found only in the judgment. All is energy and can be used from any perspective. When viewing from a state of love, the energy can be transformed into that state. The energy judged as detrimental, harmful or unpleasant can be transmuted into the vibration of love simply by adding this attribute to the mix. Do you understand? There is no bad energy, no destructive energy. There is only energy lacking in love. Love transmutes all vibration, therefore all sound.

When you observe your news stories filled with what you call negativity, it is within your power to transmute the energy totally by adding the aspect of love to every situation. You are an important piece of the human puzzle. Your single contribution in this area affects the entirety of human experience. When you rise above the judgment and apply the vibration of love, you are making a change in human evolution. You are increasing the frequency of the planet and her inhabitants by your single perspective of non-judgment. We reiterate. The negativity you see on your news stations is simply an absence of love and you can change that by a simple shift in your own perspective. When enough people shift their perspective, the entire planet will shift into the higher frequency for which she strives.

Your lives, as you see them in this present moment can be changed by a simple shift in the perspective. To add love to every single situation in which you find yourselves can alter your experience in a heartbeat. If you find yourselves short of monetary support, add love and accept it as a loving experience and watch it change. Shift your attention entirely from the lack of something onto something you love and you will attract more of what you love.

If you find your jobs unsatisfactory begin to add love to what you do and love what it is teaching you about yourselves. Begin by loving even one small part of what you do and observe how it attracts more feelings of love. In time you will either love what you do or you will attract a new occupation for vibrations always attract like vibrations. Do you see how you can not attract a job you love doing if you are in the judgmental vibration of dislike. You must first begin to love something and build upon that energy. The love vibration will always win over lower frequencies of negativity, dislike and fear.

There is only one life-sustaining energy in the universe and that is the frequency of Love.

When love is applied to ANYTHING, it changes.

Be In Peace